First part of exercises : 08.11.2020 (12:00Z - 16:00Z)

The «Eastern Shield» is a joined exercise of three divisions: XR MCD, XE MCD and ID division, which are to take place in November in two parts. First part will be on the 8th 12 – 16 UTC. Second part will be on the 15th of November 11 – 14 UTC. Per the legend, a group of militarized naval vessels units have overtaken strategic and economically essential naval regions and started to seize the production from trading, fishing vessels and coastal areas. The participants need to react quickly to the threat and secure the naval and coastal space.

In the first part, the SO Operations Command Centers of XR & XE have received information about the movement seemingly militarized naval vessels without identification, including submarines near the Prohibited Area ZKP-100. The main task is to investigate the situation and figure out the types of the vessels as well as their quantity. An additional task has also been set – refilling munitions to an Aircraft Carrier. For the exercise, a forward airfield has been set up, with the temporary code ZKXX.

In the second part, the Air Logistics Command and Control Centre of XE and ID, DRAGON CC, have received information from the Army Reserve Command that the mobilization order has already been given by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. The main tasks are to make sure we have enough aircraft and helicopters standing by nearby Basilan Island, able to provide trooping at any time and transporting logistics to assist the frontline against militarized naval vessels units which have moved south.

Read on the events page of the IVAO Special Operations Department website:

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